anyway. we went there at like bout 2 something and had to wait till bout 4 to get some service (wtf like restaurant.) only, unlike the sorry souls at the excessively overly over-crowded waiting room, we went to McD for lunch to wait instead. since our number is so far away its perfectly safe to go out. yes, we made it back with time to spare.
in relation to the title. holy shit. did you know that you actually had to give a urine sample? actually its ok la. i mean, people pee into cups everyday right (for private or medical reasons, whatever)? but THOSE FUCKIN CUPS DON'T HAVE CAPS OK. shit, talk about budget cuts. omfg it was the most gross-est thing i have ever seen and people are coming out of the toilets with cups of pee and no caps to screw on. imagine if you tripped on your way or something.
did i mention that the way from the toilet to the checkup room is freakin far away from each other/ omfg they expect us to walk the distance holding a cup of pee. WTH LIKE THE WALK OF SHAME OK. but seriou--
wait, I'm not done with the lack of screw cap thing. why the hell don't have? did you know how many people's pee i looked into today? OK just 2 but still. its pee. comes out of yr *LALALA* so its never flattering. holy shit someone should sue the damn place. not me, I'm leaving for national service in a few more days. SMILEY =}}} no i did not pee into that fuckin cup. i had a "peeing incident" (incident not accident.) and accidentally found a way out of it. what the hell. that story i will tell my grandchildren. and jos's grandchildren. preferably together so i don't have to repeat it.
oh yeah, my mom thinks I'm adopted (how can she thinks I'm adopted? she's the one that adopted me if it were true *sigh* my mom is weird.) cos my blood type is AB positive. my mom's is O, abi is O and my mom recalls that my dad is also O.( omfg my whole family is fuckin O man. OoOOoooooO.OO.). i think I'm adopted too. well, except for the fact that i have my dad's turnip nose and i also look exactly like my mom. whatever.
then we went to Chris's house and hanged there for a while. hulla-hooping outside. the pictures will be posted up soon enough on Chris's blog. since i now don't have a phone. shit, i just remembered that i don't have a phone *cries*. and i never bother with the camera.
p/s - i have to go back to that hell hole again tomorrow again because doctors of the shit place went back before our turn for the examination. NS better be worth it.
dammit I'm not even gonna check the grammatical errors cos I'm freakin exhausted now. and if there was any english errors that offended you, i just want to say that i dont care and go try to fuck yourself. SMILE =}}}
its 5a.m and I'm only late for my update by about 5+ hours. HIP-HIP-HOORAY!!! i'll try updating on time tomorrow. imma go pass out now. bye-ness
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